Delhi Belgian Club

1948 – 2017

1994-1995 Directors and Ladies' Auxiliary Executive

The Delhi Belgian Hall recently elected its new slate of officers for the 1994-95 year. Executive members are, seated from left, Chris Duyck, recording secretary: Gaston Geysens, president; and Tony Roels, vice-president. Standing, Marc VandenBussche, director; Mike Gruyaert, director: Frank Van Houdven, director; and Roger Debusschere, director. — News-Record photos

The Belgian Club ladies' auxiliary recently inducted its 1994-95 executive. Members are, seated from left, Paula DeDecker, secretary-treasurer; Lisa Cooper, president; and Lisette Holman, vice-president. Standing, Kim Szabo, director: Fern Verstraeten, controller: Christine VanSevenant, director; and Tania Keirsebilck, director. Anyone interested in joining can call 582-4919 or 582-1830.

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