Delhi Belgian Club

1948 – 2017

1971 Bartenders, Waiters, and Doormen

Leo Boisvert and Alvin Turnbull, seated in front, are the bartenders at Delhi Belgian Club. Waiters and doormen are: second row, left to right, John Zablotsky, Lawrence Christiaen, Ray VaElslander, Gary Mandryck, John Studiman; back row, left to right, Dave VanElslander, Dan Huyghe, Paul Kosynsnki, Paul Gerruys, Marcel Verstraeten, George Handsaeme, Emiel DePauw, Ron Demoor. Rick Vuylsteke, Tom McElhone, John VanBesien and Bill Allaster were missing when the photo was taken. (News-Record Photo).

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