Delhi Belgian Club

1948 – 2017

1966 Newspaper Clipping

Included in the friendly staff working downstairs at the Delhi Belgian Club are waiters, left to right, Bert Scheppereel, Gilbert Janssens, Henry Damman, Karel Lefevre, Harry Nouwe and Roger DeMeester.

Card Club

On Friday, February 25, there will be a special game of cards for the O'Keefe awards. Registration will be from 7 to 7.30 p.m., with games starting at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Members only can win awards.

The following are the results of the seventeenth game of cards at the Belgian Club with 41 members at the tables:

First, Constant Degeyter and Marcel VanBelle; second, Maurice Vermarcke and Armand Rabaey; third, Louis Evens and Albert VanVaerenberg; fourth, Andre VanWalleghem alone; fifth Jules Dierick and Marcel Loose; sixth, Alois Sinnesael and Honore Degroote.

Archery Shoot

Results of the February 19 shoot at the Belgian Club are as follows: J. Van Duyse h.b. and three small birds; M. DeLange s.b., F. Vanderstraeten s.b.; K. Annaert k.b. and one small bird; A.Saman k.b.; E. Engelen three small birds; A. Spietaels two small birds; shooting one small bird each were R. DeCoutre, C. DeWitte, A. Verstraeten, A. Verbuyst, L. Evens, R. DeBaene, G. Rodet, M. VanCompernolle.

The trophy donated by Albert Jacques for teh most points in 10 shootings was won by O. Waeyaert.

Two special prizes donated by Polly Vantyghem, Agrico Checmicals, were won by the first place winners.

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Thanks to Alice De Geyter for sharing.

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